Two regional training workshops were held aiming at strengthening knowledge and skills in CWR conservation and use in the SADC region.
1) Regional training workshop on in situ conservation of CWR and diversity assessment techniques
2) Regional training workshop on predictive characterization and pre-breeding of CWR
Read below summaries of the workshops and find links to the workshop reports, presentations and some additional resources.
The first regional training workshop was held in Pointe aux Piments, Mauritius, from 10–13 November 2014.
It was attended by 27 participants from the three partner countries (Mauritius, South Africa and Zambia) and 11 other SADC countries.
The workshop had three main objectives:
1. To strengthen capacities in the SADC region in planning and managing in situ conservation of CWR, namely in:
2. To promote the use of the FAO Resource Book for the Preparation of National Plans for Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces
3. To initiate the process of producing National Strategic Action Plans (NSAPs) for the in situ conservation of CWR.
The full workshop report is available here.
Presentations on in situ conservation and diversity assessment provided during the workshop:
The second regional training workshop took place in Pretoria, South Africa, from 13–16 April 2015.
It was attended by 23 participants from the three partner countries (Mauritius, South Africa and Zambia) and 6 other SADC countries.
The workshop had three main objectives:
1. To strengthen capacities in the SADC region in predictive characterization of CWR. Specifically, the following points were addressed:
2. To strengthen capacities in the SADC region in the use of CWR in pre-breeding. Specifically, the following points were addressed:
3. To understand the role of CWR use in the context of NSAPs, specifically on how predictive characterization results and pre-breeding projects can have an input into the development of NSAPs.
The full workshop report is available here.
Resources used during the workshop:
Presentations on predictive characterization and pre-breeding provided during the workshop: