ABSTRACT: A list of 300 wild plant species for medicinal and food use, published in 1991 by Constantin Drăgulescu, is analysed to evaluate the needs for in situ conservation of endangered plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA). The study considers the survey of the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, the Appendix of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, the Annex I of the Plant Treaty, the data base of the Gene Bank Suceava, scientific publications (i.e. the Red List for vascular plants in Romania published in 2009 and The Romanian Flora published in 1977) and the current regulatory framework. Based on the results of this analysis it can be concluded that at least four PGRFA are not officially protected in the wild in Romania, such as: Barbarea lepuznica (critically endangered and confined to a single one protected area), Barbarea stricta (critically endangered, not protected in any of the current protected areas in Romania), Crambe maritima (endangered, identified in two protected areas) and Lepidium graminifolium (critically endangered, not protected in any of the current protected areas in Romania). The results of this study may be used for improving the conservation management of PGRFA based on an integrated approach when different political commitments regarding the biodiversity conservation are addressed.
: Antofie, M.M.
Publication Years: 2014