Contributing Information

How to contribute

Contribute a publication
Send us an email with your paper or thesis attached at We will include it in our Publications section.

Contribute an image
Send us your CWR images as an attachment at for inclusion in our image archive. Remember to send us all the relevant information: name of photographer, date photo was taken, location, species.

Advertise an event
Send us information about your event at We will advertise it in our Events section on the  home page.

Contribute a piece of news
Send us your press release at It will be included in our News section on the home page.

Highlight funding opportunities
If you know of any funding opportunities that might apply to CWR conservation projects, please let us know by sending a message to



you are an expert in CWR or know about an expert, a project or an institute working with CWR? You can use the forms below to share that information with us.