Publication Detail

Crop wild relatives (CWR) have recently received significant attention due to their value as plant genetic resources and their contribution to world food security. We present a prioritized checklist of CWR in Spain in which the criteria of crossability with crops of economic importance, endemicity and threat status have been taken into account. First, we selected a list of genera corresponding to the most relevant crops for Spain and at the international level. These crops were classified into use categories (Food, Forage & Fodder, Ornamental, and Industrial & Other uses) depending on their main use. The wild plant species native to Spain belonging to these genera were then listed. After evaluation by national experts in plant breeding, the resulting checklist contained 929 species. Further selection based on crossability, endemicity and threat status led to the generation of the Prioritized Spanish Checklist of crop wild relatives containing 578 species. Thirty-two percent of these species belong to the Forage & Fodder use category, 28% to the Ornamental category, 24% to the Food category and 16% to the Industrial & Other uses category. Thirty-five percent of the prioritized species are endemic to Spain, and over one-fourth are classified under some category of threat according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Endemicity and threat status rates in the Prioritized Spanish Checklist of CWR were higher than those found in the prioritized CWR inventories of other countries. A ex situ assessment reporting number of accessions showed that 70% of the prioritized Spanish CWR have accessions preserved in genebanks.

: Rubio Teso, M.L., et. al.
: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
Publication Years: 2018

Genetic diversity
