Publication Detail

Triticum militinae Zhuk. et Migusch. belongs to timopheevii [Triticum timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk.] group of wheats with 2n = 4x = 28 chromosomes and genome formula AtAtGG. Triticum militinae Zhuk. et Migusch. is known to carry resistance to fungal diseases including rusts and powdery mildew. Genes from timopheevii wheat can be incorporated into cultivated wheat by either direct hybridization or through development of amphiploids. Three T. militinae derived introgression lines (ILs) Triticum Militinae Derivative (TMD) 6-4, TMD7-5 and TMD11-5 were selected for the current study based on cytological stability. All three ILs showed resistance against wide spectrum of Indian pathotypes of leaf rust. More than 1200 SSR markers were used for genotyping of ILs and parental lines. The ILs showed variable and multiple introgressions in different chromosomes of A, B and D genome of wheat. The introgression points were distributed mostly in the distal regions though significant introgressions were also observed in proximal regions of some chromosomes. The extent of introgression in ILs TMD6-4, TMD7-5 and TMD11-5 was 2.8, 8.3 and 8.6% respectively. The set of ‘informative markers’ in the Molecularly Tagged Chromosome Regions (MTCR) of T. militinae origin can also be used in future for tagging of genes associated with traits of economic importance apart from leaf rust resistance. The transferability of Triticum aestivum L. SSR markers to T. militinae was 96.4% for A genome, 95.8% for B genome and 84.3% for D genome. Transferability of wheat SSR markers to T. militinae can be used in preparing genetic maps in timopheevii group of wheats.

: Nataraj, V., et al.
: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
Publication Years: 2018

