ABSTRACT: The MEDUSA Network (Identification, Conservation and Use of Wild Plants in the Mediterranean Region) is concerned with gathering information on all the native plants of the Mediterranean region that are useful to man. The objectives of the Network are (a) the identification of native and naturalised plants of the Mediterranean Region, according to their uses (b) the creation of a Regional Information System that with information on plant nomenclature, chemistry, habitat description, uses, conservation, including references to literature sources and (c) the evaluation of the conservation status and of the potential utilisation in agriculture of these plants as alternative minor crops. The eventual aim of the Network is to propose methods for the economic and social development of rural areas of the Mediterranean Region, using ecologically-based management systems that will ensure the sustainable use and conservation of plant resources of the area. These plant genetic resources are of actual or potential importance to agriculture, various industries and human health, and consequently will improve the quality of life. The particular goal of the Network is the exploration of possibilities for the sustainable utilisation of such resources as alternative crops for the diversification of agricultural production for improved product quality. Furthermore, the information collected in the MEDUSA database will provide the basis for projects aimed at protecting the valuable cultural heritage represented by these plants and ensuring their survival via ‘conservation through use.’
: Skoula, M. et al.
Publication Years: 2003