The National Biodiversity Data Centre has recently launched the Crop Wild Relatives website and database, which provide information on the…
The world’s largest fruit and berry collection is safe for now. All those who have been closely following the fate of the Pavlovsk agricultural…
The International Institute for Species Exploration at Arizona State University, and an international committee of taxonomists, announced the top 10…
The Society for Economic Botany (SEB) was established in 1959 to foster and encourage scientific research, education, and related activities on the…
A recent article in the latest issue of the BG Journal (January 2010) highlighted the important work that is being carried out in the Yerevan Botanic…
In January 2009 the Julius Kühn-Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops launched a new version of the Crop Wild Relative Information…
The latest version of Google Earth is launched, and it has some interesting new features. Google has added 3D trees; mostly species found in major…
The BBC has highlighted a project coordinated by the Global Crop Diversity Trust to collect and catalogue seeds from across the globe. The aim is to…
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources is an important international agreement on conservation and use of the worlds’ plant diversity.…
The Community Programme of the genetic resources in agriculture presents 17 actions to promote and conserve genetic diversity in agriculture,…