The IUCN World Conservation Congress (6-15 Sept 2012 in Jeju, Korea) will host a CWR workshop entitled Managing Wild Species and Systems for Food…
A new website on CWR and climate change was recently launched by the Global Crop Diversity Trust in association with the Millennium Seed Bank of the…
Carla Berlingeri from the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrıccolas (INIA), Venezuela and Manuel Crespo from CIBIO (Instituto de la…
Planet Under Pressure takes place this week – a major event focusing on solutions to the global sustainability challenge, leading up to Rio+20 in June…
PGR Secure is an EU-funded project on “Novel characterization of crop wild relative and landrace resources as a basis for improved crop breeding”. The…
Atlas of Guatemalan Crop Wild Relatives hot off the press
The Atlas of Guatemalan Crop Wild Relatives, a new web tool designed to facilitate the…
The UNEP GEF Crop Wild Relatives project was selected by UNEP as one of the top 20 projects to showcase 20 Historic Years of Environmental Finance.…
The Crop Wild Relatives Manual has been translated into French to better assist francophone countries in tackling the challenge of adequately…
The Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen)* has recently posted on its website webcasts, reports and presentations stemming from a series of…
Natural England has released the following research report: "Crop wild relatives: Plant conservation for food security". This report is a review of…