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  • CWR - improving our daily life

    Crop wild relatives have been used innumerable times throughout the agricultural history to improve yields, increase disease and pest resistance,...

  • Post COP10 – Crop Wild Relative community calls for united global efforts

    COP10 CBD conference is over and the CWR community requests a coordinated approach to nurture the impact of the event. Recent studies show that 22% of...

  • Svalbard Global Seed Vault – a second collection of seed samples from rice and its wild relatives conserved

    The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) sent a second collection of seeds containing 42,627 samples of rice, including different types of...

  • CWR hold genetic secrets

    CWR takes a leading position in the 2nd State of the World’s PGR for Food and Agriculture report, FAO. The report was launched today during the...