Compilation of the CWR inventory

What is an inventory of CWR?

An inventory of CWR is the list of CWR taxa present in a defined geographic unit (region, country etc) with ancillary information, such as: nomenclature, the applied Gene Pool or Taxon Group concepts and actual and potential utilization of the CWR for crop improvement, biology, habitats, ecogeography, direct uses, threats and threat status, current conservation actions and legislation. An inventory is usually created after prioritization of the CWR checklist, for the priority taxa only (Maxted et al. 2013)1.

Alongside checklists, CWR inventories provide the essential foundations for the formulation of in situ and ex situ conservation strategies. CWR inventories usually include information on priority CWR relevant to conservation planning and they provide policy-makers, conservation practitioners, plant breeders and other user groups with a view of current CWR priorities. As CWR priorities change over time, so should CWR inventories.

Brassica barrelieri (L.) Janka, a secondary relative of turnip (B. rapa L.), here pictured in Spain. (Photo: Julia Chacón-Labella)
A wild population of Lupinus angustifolius L. (blue lupin) in Spain. Wild populations of L. angustifolius belong to the primary gene pool of their cultivated counterparts. It is also a secondary wild relative of the cultivated yellow lupin (L. luteus L.). (Photo: José Iriondo)

1 Note that we deliberately distinguish between inventory and checklist. See here more information on what a CWR checklist is.

The Interactive Toolkit for Crop Wild Relative Conservation Planning was developed within the framework of the SADC CWR project (2014-2016),
which was co-funded by the European Union and implemented through ACP-EU Co-operation Programme in Science and Technology (S&T II) by the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States.
Grant agreement no FED/2013/330-210.